Did you know that Fielder Elementary has eBooks for checkout on our library catalog? You can choose to read them on the computer or download them onto a device for two weeks. Choose one of these documents to find out how!
what about Follett Ebooks?
Sorry,I was out of town so I just saw your reply. I`m talking about not being able to scroll down to where you can “flip” the pages.
Is anyone else having problems with ebooks?
Ebooks don`t work on my computer.The page won`t scroll down.:( do you know why?
Ebooks do not scroll, they “flip” like pages in a book. Where are you having problems with scrolling?
Will these eBooks be available over the summer? If not, do you know any age appropriate places to find some?
Yes, all the eBooks will be available over the summer. 🙂
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 i LOVE reading over the summer!!!!!
How many eBooks can you check out at a time?
Can you still check out eBooks if you have reached your limit for real books?Please reply!
You can check out eBooks even if you have reached your physical book limit! You may check out two eBooks at a time, so it is possible to have four books total out from the library – two physical books and two eBooks. Great question!
how do you return the books online?
If you are reading them through the Destiny catalog on your computer (did not check them out), then they will be available immediately after you exit the browser. If you check them out, then they will automatically be checked back in after 2 weeks. If you finish before then, you can hit the “check back in” button.
Can you change that to 4 physical books? Or 4 Ebooks?